
Friday, April 23, 2010

Smoke Bath

Toby Yelland

While perusing Tumblr this morning, I saw that Bob from Corkgrips posted some photos from the new photography collection entitled Smoke Bath. The photographs look awesome and proceeds go to a good cause. Here's the description written by the book's curator, Peter Sutherland,

"Smoke Bath is a collection of photographs and art work loosely based on the theme of camping/ nature/ exploring. The Fresh Air Fund is an independent, not-for-profit agency that provides free summer vacations to New York City children from low-income communities. The goal of smoke bath is to showcase the work of artists that are inspired by nature and raise money for freshair.org in the process."
 Interestingly, Kelly Reichardt is a contributor and her photos are still shots from Old Joy. The whole thing has got a great lo-fi feel and a great theme. Check it out.


YHBHS said...

this book looks pretty awesome! might have to pick one up...

david john

Anonymous said...

whoop whoop, cant wait to get it in the mail!

Eric said...

Hell yeah. I'm ordering one too. Thanks for putting this up!