The Desert is actually fairly expensive on E-bay, but I got this one fairly cheaply because the cover is in lousy condition. Still, it's all there and I thought I'd highlight some of the cool stuff in this 60-year-old issue. The photograph on the cover is of a desert sparrow hawk and the photographer was Robert Leatherman. It's sitting on a cactus skeleton of some sort.
Among the articles are a piece about the Salton Sea in California, one of the southwest's most epic failure of planned living, and this article on petroglyphs in New Mexico.
It think Hard Rock Shorty is kind of funny, even though the joke is about the desert being a hot place. It's kind of in the old hyperbolic tall tale style and I appreciate that.
This was one lucky dude. The Desert ran short news pieces of interest like this from other publications in the back near the classifieds.
Click here to enlarge the photo and read the poems.
If anyone wants to take the quiz, leave your answers in the comments. The magazine included the answers, and I'll post the correct answers if anyone takes it.
Btw there is a new Desert magazine going on as we speak. Check out, they have some of the old issues to read or download free and they have their own new dezert magazine. It's pretty cool they do it in this " flip book " thing with video and all kinds of stuff... Check it out you might like it ....
if you are looking for a better collection of desert magazine that is easier to read visit
pdf files are much better to search info and they are downladable
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