I became a strigidaphile (<--neologism (you're welcome))in 1986 when my mother read me Farley Mowat's "Owls in the Family." I was six or seven years old. The book, published in 1961, is a creative nonfiction work about two owls Mowat rescued when he was a child and kept as pets. The owls, Wol and Weeps, were great horned owls. Mowat fondly recounts his memories of their time together in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Two and a half decades later, I've left the barred owls and hoot owls of New England for the burrow owls and pygmy owls of the great Sonoran Desert. Hello Arizona!
Things that make their way onto MOCS(1986) generally relate to either the Great Outdoors, conservation/ecology, life in the Southwest, or fond New England memories. I also occasionally post about music, science, veganism, early American history (my academic bread and butter), and fringe politics. Sometimes really interesting people are kind enough to provide interviews. I hope you find something you enjoy!
Two and a half decades later, I've left the barred owls and hoot owls of New England for the burrow owls and pygmy owls of the great Sonoran Desert. Hello Arizona!
Things that make their way onto MOCS(1986) generally relate to either the Great Outdoors, conservation/ecology, life in the Southwest, or fond New England memories. I also occasionally post about music, science, veganism, early American history (my academic bread and butter), and fringe politics. Sometimes really interesting people are kind enough to provide interviews. I hope you find something you enjoy!