
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rad Tumblrs

, originally uploaded by Old Chum.
Tumblr is a customizable blogging platform that is easily modifiable and allows for quick posting. While traditional blogging is possible on Tumblr, like the type you generally see on Wordpress or Blogger, many Tumblr users blog differently. On Tumblr, people post photographs related to certain theme and repost one another endlessly, creating an intricate network of thematically unique, yet interrelated, sites. My own Tumblr, makingowlscool.tumblr.com, features the photos I post on MOCS1986.com and other interesting things I see posted on Tumblr, Flickr, or elsewhere. I tend to post landscapes.

Some Tumblrs have become fairly famous like My Parents Were Awesome or The Impossible Cool. I thought I'd take a minute to share my favorite blogs hosted on Tumblr.

 OLD CHUM - Old Chum is updated just about everyday with a new set of amazing pictures. Common themes vintage outdoors photos, arts and crafts, novelties, or images of First Nations people. If you've never checked out Old Chum, prepare to spend some serious time clicking back through pages and pages of really great photos. The photo at the top of this post comes from Old Chum

 S O ▲ S W E A T Y - So Sweaty features mainly vintage outdoor equipment and photography. It's maintained by Geoffrey Holstad, who has another cool blog under his own name. Check it out.

Hey y'Owls! - Lots of photos of owls = Awesome. It's done by a photographer from Montreal named JRaff.

Cosmic Dust - Lots of rad images of the southwest. Not sure exactly how to classify the theme, but lets just say that hippies and gypsies would frequently recognize themselves here.  The same person keeps Nomadic Sun, which is also really cool. 

The Old Coyote - Fairly similar to Cosmic Dust in theme; lots of great southwestern stuff. Definitely worth checking out.

There are many other Tumblr blogs I follow because Tumblr has a great interface for networking their blogs. One final word about Tumblr (and perhaps a plea...). There's a "fuck yeah" theme in which people make Tumblr blogs that celebrate one theme, such as Fuck Yeah, Thoreau, Fuck Yeah, German Shepherds, and Fuck Yeah, the Universe. Unfortunately, someone has taken Fuck Yeah, Arizona and is not using it. Right now it's a stupid Photoshopped "Titanic" movie poster. I want Fuck Yeah, Arizona. If, in the infinite improbability that the person who has that Tumblr name should ever see this, please give it to me. Thank you.


Miss Burly Girly said...

Ooh! I love me some FuckYeahVictorians!

Eric said...

Hell yeah. That's a good one.

Katie Filbeck said...

can't believe you left out selleck/waterfall/sandwich. Perhaps a little over played but still pure genius.


Eric said...

I left of Dads on Vacation by mistake too, but I included Fuck Yeah, German Shepherds, and that has to be worth something.

Walter said...

Hey! Thanks for the nice words. Much appreciated.

Eric said...

No problem. Thanks for making me days more interesting.

YHBHS said...

love me some old chum mixed with some cosmic dust!

nice posting on tumbler action

hawkandtrap said...

Just started following So Sweaty... so good!

Eric said...

@ David John - That's a great combo.

@ Kaitlyn - You're no Tumblr slouch, yourself:


Very nice.

hawkandtrap said...

Aww, shucks... thanks! You're one of my favorites for sure. Tumblr love!