The inscription on the back reads:
To: Mr. Grover Reese
Homer Michigan
Route 3
Apr. 1st, 1951
Hi Grover: Read your card and was Happy to hear from you. So Armstrong had passed on. Sorry to hear you are not so good. I surely hop that Drew help you. More sorry to hear you wouldn't be able to make the trip down here this winter but surely hope you will be able to make the trip in the fall. Carl's working at the Post(?) helping the roofer he works 6 days 10 hrs a day each week is hard work too. I am doing pretty good. Folks send best wishes. Now take care of Grover for me,
I couldn't find much on Grover Reese except that he lived in Calhoun, Michigan (Homer is a township in Calhoun County), that he registered for WWI, and that he passed away sometime between 1977-1996. has tons of great records, but you need to pay to see them. I like looking up people on postcards, but I don't want to spend money on it. In any case, it looks Grover didn't make it down to Arizona and missed out on seeing Chiricahua National Monument, at least for the 1951 winter season. I hope he made it down eventually; it's a really cool place.
As I always note on these postcard inscription entries, if you find this and you're related to Grover Reese, let me know and I'll send you the postcard.
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