Check out Erin and I's photos of San Xavier here.
From the San Xavier del Bac website:
"The present church was built from 1783 - 1797 by the Franciscan Fathers Juan Bautista Velderrain and Juan Bautista Llorenz. Little is know about the actual labor of the construction of the church, who was the architect, who were the artisans, but many believe it was the Tohono O'odham who fufilled these roles. Why the one tower was never completed is still a mystery, but hopefully one day this question will be answered.
San Xavier Mission is acclaimed by many to be the finest example of mission architecture in the United States. It is a graceful blend of Moorish, Byzantine and late Mexican Renaissance architecture, yet the blending is so complete it is hard to tell where one type begins and another ends."
Flickr commons really is awsome. All my photos are on there.
How do you put them on there? I should do that with the old photos I buy.
On each pictures page there should be the words "all rights reserved" with an edit button next to it. go to edit and select the type of creative common you'd like to have for your picture. I have a default setting of Attribution-NoDerivs Creative Commons so that they can use my photo but cannot alter it and must give me credit.
Ok. I'll do that.
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