I spent last weekend in the Catalina Mountains right outside of town (town being Tucson). If you drive up into the mountains you can discover that autumn is going on there just as it is in the rest of the country. I started my hike at a little over 9000 feet where the aspens had begun to turn yellow. I headed down Mt. Lemmon trail, to the Wilderness of Rock Trail. I spent the night there with the hoodoos and got up early the next morning and headed back up the Lemmon Rock Trail. I found the hike
here on Hike Arizona. With side trips to take pictures it ended up being about 11 miles.
I hiked up the Lemmon Rock Trail and it rose alongside a canyon. I eventually rose into the clouds that gathered at the top of the mountain. At one point a cloud actually swept up the canyon from below me. At first it was wispy...
...then it came in thicker...
...and finally obscured this huge rock formation entirely. I can't even guess at how many miles per hour the wind was blowing. I have many more pictures here on my
Flickr page.
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