
Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools

For April Fools I pulled the most taboo prank of them all and told my wife I was pregnant. Just kidding. That joke was bad, I know, but I have noticed some good April Fools Day jokes around the Internet and I thought I'd take a quick second and share a few.

1. The editors of Scientific American Magazine agree to include Creationism and Intelligent Design in their articles. The post is called "Okay, We Give Up" and it's actually from April 1, 2005. Funny nonetheless.

2. Google introduces G-Mail Motion, a way to control G-Mail without using outdated technology, such as the mouse and keyboard.

3. In another Google prank, try search for "helvetica" in Google.

4.The American Spectator announces that PBS hired Anne Coulter to host a show. Lots of other fake PBS material too.

5. Hulu is in 1996.

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